We have 150+ study guides for AP and elective classes that are completely free, so use them to your advantage. Go to our homepage or study guide page to find the study guide for your class.
Putting things in your own words will help you understand the material.
Typing notes on a computer may be convenient for searching, but you can type up your notes later if you need to! Hand-writing instead will help you digest the material better.
Don't cram two days before your exam. Cramming might keep some materials staying in your head but the majority will need more time to sink in.
You can use Quizlet or cover part of your screen to test yourself. You can also create flashcards or use a friend/family member if you don't have access to the Internet. When you quiz yourself, the joy of being correct or the disappointment of being wrong will help you recall the right answer during the test.
You can give yourself a reward for getting a certain number of questions right or working for a certain amount of time. Rewards could be snacks, a Netflix episode, a break, or anything that will excite you to work.
For many people, a phone is the most distracting thing so power it off and set it aside. Without temptations, it’s easier to focus.
Find people either at your school or at another school taking the same class and work through the work with them. Hearing what they think and working things through with them might help you understand the material.
Here is one of our favorite playlists for instrumental pop covers.
We can match you with someone else taking one of your classes via our Simple Studies Buddies program.